
The support of our 工作人员 helps to shape our vision and is essential. 作为招生管理处, we create welcoming environments of intentional first-class experiences that provide excellent service, top-tier resources and limitless inspiration through collaborative partnerships. We depend on our divisional teams to help make our vision our reality!


  • 部门目标和战略规划小组
    • 举办一个使命陈述研讨会.
    • 协调IE对齐和报告.
  • 社会的团队
    • Plan social bonding activities for the Division, one per quarter.
    • 为新兴市场新员工创建一个欢迎“入职”计划.
  • 狮子会领导团队
    • Organize and plan the annual 狮子s Lead, an award and recognition program for our Division.
  • 狮心王冠军
    • Implement ideas and plan activities that promote a culture of kindness for our Division.
    • 提名并任命一位分区桂冠诗人.”


The Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher 教育 (CAS) has been the pre-eminent force for promoting standards in student affairs, 学生服务, 以及1979年成立以来的学生发展项目. CAS standards create the opportunity for functional areas to demonstrate contributions to the public good, 包括学生学习, 发展, 和成功.

  • Fall 2024: The Office of Financial and Scholarships will recommence work on an assessment via the Standards and Guidelines developed by the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher 教育 (CAS). Standards are developed through a consensus model of member associations and industry experts. 我们计划使用CAS将包括一个内部程序 & external program review for the Office of 经济援助及奖学金 and will help inform the following:
    • Provide a foundation for process and operational improvements
    • Development of our mission, goals, and strategic plan for the department
    • 员工的专业发展和培训
    • 卓越的学生支持和服务
    • 以国家标准为基准

蝶式 personalizes professional 发展 through personality tests like the Enneagram, 16个类型, 阀瓣, 能量节奏调查, 和优势发现者. 通过电子邮件的自动指导工具, 日历, 还有即时通讯应用, 我们对立体式的使用将通过以下方式支持我们的部门:

  • Increasing engagement: Encouraging employees to bring their whole selves to work.
  • Maximizing talent: Uncovering hidden employee strengths and potential.
  • Building trust: Helping our team builds empathy and confidence.



The 招生管理处 supports the institutional strategic plan by aligning our vision, goals and 策略 to the strategic priorities and goals of the university. 我们有一个共同的愿景:

皇冠体育365赌博&M大学商科,作为a&M大学家庭, will become the University of Choice for all those seeking higher education in the Northeast Texas region and beyond. It will provide traditional and non-traditional learning opportunities through existing and new programs that set high expectations and goals for students, 教师, 和工作人员. The University will provide a sense of community through a nurturing environment for all individuals in order to maximize learning, 职业生涯, 个人发展. A&移动商务将成为学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和社区都致力于追求卓越. A&移动商务努力:

  • Transform lives by providing a relevant, personalized education to all learners
  • 推进知识和追求有影响力的研究
  • 服务于一个所有人都受到重视的温馨社区
  • 促进合作解决当代问题

我们的部门包括 本科招生办公室, 注册商, 经济援助及奖学金, 退伍军人和军人, 新生和家庭项目,以及外展 & 高等教育合作.


作为德州运动协会的第二大成员&M大学系统&移动商务提供的不仅仅是 130个学位课程 和服务 11,000多名学生 在德克萨斯州东北部地区. 随着最近的大流行, 教育的提供和期望已经发生了变化, 一直以来, the demographics of college-going students and the positioning of competitors continues to evolve. A&移动商务也未能幸免于疫情的影响. We want to take this historic moment to build a foundational plan to address enrollment and 保留 declines, 对齐A&移动商务招生计划与系统招生目标, and set forth the accountability and governance structures necessary to ensure success.

扫描电镜 can be characterized as “a comprehensive process designed to help an institution achieve and maintain the optimum recruitment, 学生的留校率和毕业率, where optimum is defined in the academic context of the institution”(Dolence, 1993).


Strategic 登记管理 is a comprehensive approach to integrating all of the University’s programs, 实践, 政策, 以及与实现最佳招聘相关的计划, 保留, and graduation of students with “optimal” defined by the mission, 学术视野, 以及机构的战略规划. 登记管理 becomes Strategic 登记管理 when it actively integrates planning, 策略, and structures in the formal enrollment management units with the institution’s evolving strategic planning, 学术视野, 以及它的基本使命.

Strategic 登记管理 does not ignore short‐term activities. Instead, it integrates short‐term administrative efforts with long‐term planning processes. These administrative efforts include a focus on the management of those functional areas responsible for achieving enrollment goals. 作为一个规划过程, Strategic 登记管理 focuses on the outward‐ and forward‐looking activities that guide the institution’s pursuit of its preferred future in a constantly changing and competitive environment and includes long-range planning and institution‐wide strategy 发展.


  • 所有的扫描电镜活动都是任务驱动的.
  • 扫描电镜培养学生成功的制度文化.
  • 扫描电镜 is synonymous with student success and is integrated into the institution’s strategic plan.
  • 扫描电镜包括所有内部和外部成分.
  • 外部伙伴关系至关重要.
  • Everything is assessed and measured so decisions are data-driven.
  • Clear enrollment goals are established based on institutional capacity and the institution’s strategic plan, 而不仅仅是在学生概况或创收方面.
  • Appropriate academic programs are maintained that will prepare students for the 职业生涯s of the future while sustaining mission-appropriate offerings.
  • Creative thinking and looking outside of higher education for best 实践 are necessary.
  • Focus on the appropriate utilization of technology to enhance service to students is encouraged.




  • P.O. 3011箱
  • 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3011